Christmas is a special time of year – a time when many of us will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ by slowing down from the pressures of working life, to spend quality time with our loved ones, and exchange gifts and enjoy good food and drink in our warm homes.
It is also time of reflection and gratitude, a time to thank those who have supported and advised us throughout the year, and an opportunity to celebrate all that is good in the world.
Each day on the news we see and hear of the great suffering happening in both this country and abroad, whether through crime, poverty or wars, and we must remember and pray for all those affected.
However, it is equally important that we remember and applaud all the good things that are happening in our local communities.
As an MS, I visit many great charities, community groups and hospices, which are doing fantastic work in our towns and villages. Some of them will be working throughout the Christmas period and for that I am truly grateful.
But they are not the only ones who will selflessly be putting their festive celebrations on hold. There are many for who Christmas will be just another working day - our fantastic Armed Forces and NHS staff, and of course all those who work in the hospitality, catering and retail industries. It is important that we think of them all.
We must also think of those who are grieving and alone this Christmas. A first Christmas without a loved one can be incredibly painful so please reach out to any friends or neighbours who are in this position this year, as well as those who may be alone for whatever reason.
Christmas may be difficult for some this year because of the cost-of-living crisis, but it is important for us all to remember that lavish gifts and copious amounts of food are not what makes Christmas special. It’s about spending quality time with our loved ones, supporting those less fortunate than ourselves, and appreciating all that we do have.
At this important time of year for the Christian faith, I send my very best wishes to all my constituents celebrating Christmas.
May the joy and peace of Jesus be with you all – Nadolig llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda